Shangani Adaptive Grazing Carbon Project

Photo by:
Rob Raw


Shangani Adaptive Grazing Carbon Project
Verified Carbon Standard and Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard
VM0032 Methodology for the Adoption of Sustainable Grasslands through Adjustment of Fire and Grazing
View Credible Carbon Project
Under development
Shangani is a 45,000 ha mixed cattle and wildlife ranch in the Matabeleland South province of Zimbabwe. The ranch is pioneering a holistic management style to sustainably manage cattle and wildlife with a view to promoting rangeland regeneration and wealth creation for local communities.
Download the project files here

The implementation of the project increases soil carbon sequestration and removes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the atmosphere through an adaptive grazing management system. This system will moderate and control grazing pressure, stimulating grass production by adjusting stocking density on underutilized paddocks, reducing herd size per paddock, creating single-age herd classes, and optimizing the grazing and browsing behaviour of the local cattle breed.

Shangani Holistic offers support to communities within and beyond the project area, directly benefiting from the project's activities in terms of livelihood and well-being. The carbon revenue ensures the sustainability of the project and continued support. The project has employed additional staff who, along with their families, now have access to benefits including housing, healthcare, game meat, hunting programs, and educational opportunities. Employee well-being has improved, with reduced livestock herding and disease-related stress.

Moreover, the project activity safeguards and enhances culturally significant sites and resources essential for livelihoods. The restoration of perennial grasses and habitat conditions is expected to lead to increased forage productivity and improved ecological functions. This will boost populations of threatened wildlife species, such as the IUCN-listed Endangered African Savanna Elephant and Vulnerable Giraffe, as well as the Critically Endangered White-backed Vulture. The project fosters habitat availability and landscape connectivity, vital for the survival and thriving of these threatened species.

Key metrics

Carbon removed (tCO2e)
Employees supported
Area conserved (ha)

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